Harry Potter - Alex White

Harry Potter

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We've Played Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, and It's a Confounding ...In this blog, I will be talking about Harry Potter, books, and movies, and what makes them the best.        Like many others, Harry Potter is my favorite series of all time. From the main characters to the
overview, each book itself, and even the origin, it will all be covered here.

The Main Characters

Which Harry Potter character are you?
  • Harry Potter
  • Ron Weasley
  • Hermione Granger
  • Lord Voldemort
  • Draco Malfoy
  • Professor Severus Snape
  • Albus Dumbledore
  • Rubeus Hagrid
  • Luna Lovegood
  • Professor McGonagall
  • Bellatrix Lestrange
  • Serious Black

Overview of Each Story

The Sorcerers Stone

An eleven-year-old boy, Harry Potter, who lives with his uncle, aunt, and cousin, having lost his parents as an infant, finds out that he’s a wizard (someone with magical powers) and attends Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. There he makes many friends, the best of them being Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. A new teacher at the school that year is possessed by Lord Voldemort, the antagonist of the series, who partially lost his life when he failed to kill baby-Harry (difficult to explain in short). He tries to steal a stone that’s guarded by the headmaster of the school, Albus Dumbledore because it’s an elixir of life. It’s up to the trio to try and stop him.

The Chamber of Secrets 

Ron’s sister Ginny gets hold of an old diary that belonged to adolescent Voldemort through which anyone can communicate with him. She doesn’t realize that it’s his and starts using the diary to the extent of getting possessed. He uses her to open the Chamber of Secrets which houses a monstrous snake that especially targets muggle-borns (non-magic people). The snake is set loose and many people are hurt (including Hermione). Harry and Ron are bound to solve the issues and save everyone including Hermione and Ginny

The Prisioner of Azkaban

A prisoner escapes from Azkaban (the prison of the magical world) and he turns out to be Harry’s Godfather, Sirius Black, who happened to be his parents’ best friend. He’s under the misconception that Sirius was the reason for their death. Sirius, meanwhile, arrives at Hogwarts (in the form of a dog) to attack the person who actually was the cause of Harry’s parents’ death. Interestingly, this guy is Ron’s rat (yes he can change forms too). Everyone thinks Sirius is after Harry while in fact, he’s just after the rat. In the series of events that follow, Harry realizes that Sirius is innocent and tries to save him from the prison guards (called Dementors) who suck the soul out of people (literally).

The Goblet of Fire

There’s a competition called the Tri-Wizard Tournament between three wizarding schools and it’s extremely dangerous. Someone nominates Harry’s name though he’s under-age and he’s chastised by people because they think he did it himself for fame. He survives the tournament and with another student of Hogwarts, Cedric reached the trophy first. They both touch it at the same time and are transported to another place. That’s where Voldy is trying to come back to life. He and his side-kick (the rat in the third part who escaped) were expecting only Harry, so Cedric is killed. They take Harry’s blood and Voldy gets his body back (he did not have a proper one after the event described in the first part when Harry was an infant). Then Harry somehow escapes with Cedric’s body.

The Order of the Pheonix

Very few people believe that Voldy’s back. Even the Ministry of Magic is ignorant and they tag Harry and Dumbledore as liars. The trio forms a group of students and name it Dumbledore’s Army and train them to face Voldy someday. Towards the end of the book, they set off to the ministry to get hold of a prophecy regarding Harry and Voldemort and end up being attacked by Voldy’s people. 

The Half-Blood Prince

This story is mostly about a book owned by “The half-blood prince”, whose name I’m not revealing. Harry learns more about Voldemort’s life and how he’s divided his life into little parts and put them in different objects like the diary in the 2nd part, a ring, a locket, etc. 

The Deathly Hallows

The trio set out to destroy the parts mentioned in #6, the world having been taken over by Voldemort and his people. It’s way too interesting to be summarized.

Who is JK Rowling?

JK Rowling, known today as one of the best authors of all time, is the mastermind behind the Harry Potter series. Writing the entire first book on napkins from a coffee shop, Rowling was not raised rich. In fact, she was poor from her late teens till when her oldest daughter was aged 11. After she wrote the first book in 1995, she would read them to her daughter as bedtime stories. In 1997, she published her first book, called "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone". The book was a success. Famous around the world. she began her next book. Nearly ten years, and 6 stories late, the book and movies are known as some of the best in the world. 


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