

     On January 21st, 2017, hundreds of thousands of women rallied in Washington to protest Trump. However, this movement occurred worldwide. Tens of thousands of people in Canada participated and over a hundred thousand people in the UK participated, making it the major contributor outside the US. Many European countries also participated such as France, Spain, Germany, and Italy. This movement was started because the participants believed that Donald Trump was helping continue issues such as Women's rights, LGBT rights, and gender equality. They think that Trump is misogynistic and discriminates against these minorities and with to stop him. These issues occur all over the world and movements such as this show the global community that you can stand up for what you believe in and make a change. Countries that lack gender equality include countries such as Yemen, Pakistan, Syria, and many more where women are treated as inferior to men.
     This movement could really make an impact on the world as well as inspire others. The Women's March showed that the people are not going to tolerate the many fixable issues in the country, or President Donald Trump. This could not only bring about change but inspire many more to become active about the issue. It also pressures those in power to take action. This is similar to when Martin Luther refused to recant his statements about the church. Both Martin Luther and the march participants stood up to those in power.  This event was the first major organized protest of Donald Trump. It set up a year full of discussion about feminism, gender, diversity, and inclusion. When the stories broke about sexual abuse and harassment, massive support sparked in the form of the #MeToo movement. It also inspired people to help Doug Jones beat Roy Moore in the senate race. The impact the Women's March. had on the world was working against an issue and inspiring people to do things differently.

Hartocollis, Anemona, and Yamiche Alcindor. “Women's March Highlights as Huge Crowds Protest Trump: 'We're Not Going Away'.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 21 Jan. 2017, www.nytimes.com/2017/01/21/us/womens-march.html.


  1. What is #WomenMarch movement trying to fix? In the the sentence ¨This movement was started because the participants believed that Donald Trump was helping continue issues such as Women's rights, LGBT rights, and gender equality.¨ That sentence does not really explain what is being protested.

    1. The issue trying to be fixed is discrimination against these minorities.

  2. Would you be able to go more into detail on how it can effect the world in a positive way? I thought you did good be I wouldn't mind you elaborating on it a little more.

    1. The movement's success inspired protests on similar issues. We have seen this in events such as the #MeToo movement or when women supported Doug Jones in the senate race.

  3. Good blog, not much to change, one thing I wish you did though was to go into more detail about how it can effect the world, and in places that women are treated as less than men.

    1. The movement's success inspired protests on similar issues. We have seen this in events such as the #MeToo movement or when women supported Doug Jones in the senate race. We could also see this effect in other countries where men are treated as superior.


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