#crueltyfree-Rose McKeen

Are you aware how many animals die per year due to animal testing , well I'm about to show you I'm Rose Mckeen  and I am cruelty free.For my social media hashtag I chose hashtag #crueltyfree this is a hashtag that makeup artists use when they use all cruelty free products.  this hashtag has actually helped a lot Europe is now cruelty free and they will not let you sell your Cosmetics unless your brand is cruelty free.
This  hashtag was made when everyone started realizing how bad we were treating these animals and some people wanted to raise awareness about it. This hashtag is still going on to this day because animal testing is not banned in the United States. It was created in the US because people realized how big of a problem this was animals die every day due to animal testing and the company's just don't want to change it because it's cheaper to animal test. According to journalist Catherine Zuchermar, in her articleEasy on the Eyes”, “The tests-- which involve applying products to the animals’ eyes to determine toxicity-- can cause blindness and death”(1).  This quote shows that they do have a choice they just don't want to choose that choice because of how cheap it is to animal test but putting chemicals in animals eyes is not okay. The hashtag cruelty-free movement has impacted Europe, europe is now cruelty-free this means If your  brand tests on animals you cannot sell your products in Europe. The beauty industry right now is a horrible place even your toothpaste could test on animals Natasha Cole makes a very good point in her artical “Cruelty-free Cosmetics 101”, “The beauty industry makes people look and feel beautiful but is horrifically ugly when it comes to the treatment of animals in laboratories.(2)” This is very true because so many people do not know what's happening when you think of makeup they think it makes them look prettier but really it's just making you look ugly if you're killing animals to get it. This hashtag will do more in the future it just takes time to make such a big change.


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