Colin Kaepernick

On September 5, 2018 Nike released the Colin Kaepernick campaign which led to thousands of people boycotting Nike apparel and going further as to burn what they have already. Colin Kaepernick first took a knee during the National Anthem was before the final preseason game September 1, 2016. His reasoning was that he was protesting police brutality and racial inequality in the United States. "I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color" Kaepernick explaining his reasoning on why to not stand for the anthem. Since he first kneeled hundreds of others have “stood up” and took a knee during the anthem. It has gained national attention even from the president Donald J. Trump who said that all players taking a knee should be fired as they show no respect for their nation. 200 players took a knee to protest Trump's words. Outside of the league people around the nation have had an ongoing argument on whether players should stand or be allowed to knee. This is why the Nike campaign showing Colin Kaepernick was such a big deal as there are hundreds of thousands if not millions who believe everyone should respect the flag. This topic caught my eye when it made the news and Nike being a big part in the sports I play became a real deal for me even though being a white male t doesn’t really affect me. After researching I hope to gain knowledge of what else people can do other than kneel to please everyone and not gain negative attention.
I hope to gain  a more educated understanding to maybe a better way athletes could protest without setting the whole nation in a heated debate. In my opinion Nike shouldn't have added more wood the fire along with their products that people have been burning. Image result for people burning nike stuff
In conclusion Colin Kaepernick had good motive behind his protest but disrespectfully protested. Nike chose his side which now have people boycotting Nike and counter protesting.


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