
Colin Kaepernick, the American football star who took a stand against racial injustice.
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The social movement #takeaknee was started when NFL player  Colin Kaepernick took a knee during the national anthem. He did this because he wanted to protest over racial injustice. But kneeling for the anthem is disrespectful towards the country and towards the people fighting for it. yes i understand that everyone has there different opinions, but there is different ways to protest against racial injustice. he has over 3 million followers on instagram and 2 million followers on twitter, why couldn't he post something on there? In September 2017 the hashtag has 1.2million tweets in the space of three days. take a knee is still going on.  A couple weeks ago a 49ers cheerleader knelt during the anthem. take a knee isn't just taking place on the field, but also in school. and people aren't just doing it for black rights. People are doing it because of what community apart of, or their beliefs. And it's not a bad thing that people are expressing their opinions. but there is a million other ways to express them, especially with social media.
Image result for take a knee

This social movement is important because it's important for people to stand up for what they believe in and stand up to what they think is right. this movement was started to protest against police brutality and racial injustice. it also ended up getting directed toward Donald Trump. it was probably created in this region because racial injustice and police brutality is in this region. #takeaknee was started when american football star Colin Kaepernick took a knee during the National Anthem, “The movement was started by NFL player Colin Kaepernick in August 2016 in protest over racial injustice.” (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-42251490)  This whole movement was started by one action,kneeling. Kaepernick wanted to open everyone's eyes on racial injustice, and that is exactly what he did.  But later in the protest turned into much more when Donald Trump tweeted, "get that son of a b**** off the field right now, out, he’s fired. He’s fired," this tweet got a lot of people heated and the protest took a turn and“The kneeling turned into a much larger protest directed at President Trump who said at a political rally in Alabama: “Wouldn't you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag” (http://www.ncregister.com)  The main point of this protest isn't about Trump but people did get mad at it. Obviously Trump got upset when he saw kneeling and disrespecting the flag. This movement is important to the global community because racial injustice is a problem and it shows that anyone could stand up for what they believe in. Kneeling for the anthem is disrespectful towards the country and the people who are fighting for it. Yes you should stand up for your opinions, but you should also respect the country you live in. Yes racial harassment is never okay, but they can find a different way that isn't disrespecting our flag. this protest has split America in half.  #takeaknee has split America in half because everyone has a different point of view on it (like most things in life) and there's two sides of the argument, “88 percent of Republicans say the protests are inappropriate, while 72 percent of Democrats think they're appropriate. Independents say the protests are inappropriate by a 57 percent to 42 percent margin.” (https://www.cnbc.com) With every situation there is always two side of the story, especially with this one. A lot of people are against this protest because “the national anthem pays respect to the people who have risked their lives, been injured, or died defending the United States. “(https://www.procon.org)  Kneeling for the anthem comes off disrespectful to the people who have fought and died for this country.  #take a knee has both impacted the world positively and negatively because it has again split the world in half, The country is deeply divided on the question along partisan and racial lines” (https://www.cnbc.com) This has happened because a lot of people think its disrespecting the flag and some people think it's fine. Yes their kneeling for a different reason but kneeling for the anthem comes off disrespectful. But it has impacted the world positively because it's raising awareness for something important, and their point isn't supposed to be disrespectful even if it comes off that way, “Denver Broncos linebacker Brandon Marshall, who also has knelt during the national anthem, said, "the message is I'm against social injustice... I'm not against the military or police or America at all." (https://www.procon.org) The players aren't trying to disrespect the country, but for different reasons. #takeaknee even if it isnt supposed to come off disrespectful does sometimes. Yes this is a good movment but there are many different ways to get your point across these days. Obiously everyone has a different point of veiw and everyone needs to respect it, even if they dont agree.

armstrong, patti. “10 Reasons Kneeling During the Anthem Is a Bad Idea.” National Catholic Register, 2017, www.ncregister.com/blog/armstrong/10-reasons-kneeling-during-the-anthem-is-a-bad-idea.

Newburger, Emma. “Majority Says NFL Kneeling Protests during National Anthem Are Inappropriate: NBC News/WSJ Poll.” CNBC, CNBC, 31 Aug. 2018, www.cnbc.com/2018/08/31/most-say-nfl-kneeling-protests-during-national-anthem-inappropriate-poll.html.

“Refusing to Stand for the National Anthem: Top 3 Pros and Cons.” ProConorg Headlines, 2018, www.procon.org/headline.php?headlineID=005323.

sini, Rozina. “#MeToo, #TakeAKnee and #Covfefe: Hashtags That Dominated in 2017.” BBC News, BBC, 27 Dec. 2017, www.bbc.com/news/world-42251490.


  1. Do you think NFL teams will hire someone like Colin Kaepernick because of his beliefs and what he does on the field? What is your standpoint on the issue and what do think can or needs to be done?

  2. Great job on the article Sophie. One question I have for you is if this kind of stuff such as NFL players kneeling during the national anthem keeps happening more and more, will the NFL do anything about it since these players are big role models to many others in the community? Has the NFL spoke out on it yet?

  3. I agree with this articular 100% I would say how it makes you feel when kids sit for the pledge at school I know you feel strongly about it so tell us about it.


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