#NeverAgain by Emma Cole


Do you know how many school shootings there have been? As of October, there has been a total of 65 this year. Also, this year there has been as many as there has ever been before. My hashtag movement is about school shootings and gun control. Innocent kids are getting hurt. If you were a parent could you imagine sending your child to school one day and them never coming home. We need to find a solution to stop this so no other child or teacher gets hurt. The hashtag, #NeverAgain started after the school shooting on February 14, 2018 at Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Seventeen people were killed and people were refusing to stay quiet on the subject. It is still being used by students and teachers all over the world trying to spread awareness. This would be a revolutionary movement because it is striving for a major change in society. There is such a need for this movement because innocent kids that were at school trying to further their education were killed. School shootings still occur and there are several threats made all of the time. Although, if you look on the bright side, 90% of public schools have a written plan. Children should be able to go to school and not be scared.
People need to continue to spread this hashtag. It was motivated because of the school shooting in Florida. It was started so kids can speak out and show there concern. It was created here because it was were the accident occurred, but it has spread throughout all of the United States. If kids feel like they have a voice and can be able to say how they feel, then maybe situations like this won’t happen as often. This hashtag was meant to start about gun violence, so no one else gets hurt. It was started so no other kid has to go through the pain of losing their friends. It was started so that no kid has to be sitting in class terrified. It was started so that no teacher has to lose their colleagues. This is very important to our global community because there are schools all over the world and kids and teachers should feel safe when they are there. If kids can’t feel safe then they aren’t learning at the highest quality they can be. If teachers feel like they are in danger it is only going to scare students. It will make them unable to complete their job and teach kids. This movement has impacted the world for the positive because it is better than people just sitting around and not doing anything to help. It will help tackle this because the more awareness, the more people will be talking and spreading things to move forward. Showing what has happened in the past is good because it will show all the pain and suffering these people went through, so that no one else will go through that.

Chubb, Hannah. “Does Hashtag Activism Work?” Marie Claire, Marie Claire, 24 May 2018,
Wilson, Chris. “How Many School Shootings Have There Been Since Sandy Hook?” Time,
Time, 22 Feb. 2018, time.com/5168272/how-many-school-shootings/.
Jeffrey, Courtland. “School Shootings in U.S.: When, Where Each Shooting Has
Occurred in 2018.” KNXV, 4 Oct. 2018, www.abc15.com/news/data/school-shootings

Winn, Zach. “The U.S School Shooting Statistics Everyone Should Know.” Campus
Safety Magazine, Campus Safety, 10 Oct. 2018, www.campussafetymagazine.com/


  1. This is a good blog! I liked your take on the movement, and I feel compelled to research more. I especially liked when you wrote, "Children should be able to go to school and not be scared. " Great minds think alike?


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