
     #MeToo Too Good To Be True?

     On October 15, 2017 a movement was started that would help many lives but could potentially ruin the lives of others. The movement I am talking about is the #MeToo movement. The idea of this movement is great and is a redemptive kind of social movement. I think it would be a redemptive movement because it is saving women from sexual assault and harassment. #MeToo was created to encourage women to speak up and talk about sexual assault and harassment. #MeToo went viral, when actress Alyssa Milano spread the word via social media, following the Harvey Weinstein accusations.

     Although the #MeToo movement is a great idea for all those affected by sexual assault or harassment, it may have potential negative recourse for the falsely accused. As with all good movements, there has been some who choose to taint the incredible work that has taken place.  False accusations have started and if they continue, they will destroy #MeToo. We have already seen possible false accuations in the news. A news reporter from CNN, at the moment, is accusing Morgan Freeman of sexual harassment. Morgan Freeman has even threatened CNN that he will sue, if they do not take down the accusations, because he has proof it is false. If this is accurate, it might give ideas to other people to lie for the benefit of themselves.

   The #MeToo movement is also creating distress on campuses across the U.S. Once the movement started, it stirred up conversations throughout colleges, focusing on the campus rape culture and if it is myth or reality. Even on these campuses we have started to see cases of false accusations. How the #MeToo movement is backfiring on campus states, “Rape hoaxes like what took place at the University of Virginia, Duke, and Columbia, added fuel to the fire and amplified the debate on whether campus sexual assault cases should rely solely on due process or if campus authorities can act without ample evidence.” The #MeToo has been out for a year now and we are starting to see the potential flaws in the future.

     The movement, while powerful and necessary, has seen the harsh reality of the human race.  While it is a necessary and undoubtedly brave for the affected men and women to come forward, there are those that will abuse and destroy the integrity of the movement.  I believe strongly in the movement and hope it will succeed and not suffer from the false accusers.

Works Cited

McKie, Mason, and James G Brey. “How the #MeToo Movement Is Backfiring on Campus.” Washington Examiner, 16 Mar. 2018, www.washingtonexaminer.com/red-alert-politics/how-the-metoo-movement-is-backfiring-on-campus.

Tomaszewski, Jack. “Fact-Checking the #MeToo Sexual Harassment Allegations. How Many of Them Are
True and Fair?” Medium.com, Medium, 16 Aug. 2018,

Sayej, Nadja. “Alyssa Milano on the #MeToo Movement: 'We're Not Going to Stand for It Any More'.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 1 Dec. 2017, www.theguardian.com/culture/2017/dec/01/alyssa-milano-mee-too-sexual-harassment-abuse.


  1. Does the amount of sexual assault change from were you are in the world?

  2. I like how you said both sides of the argument for whether it was good or bad. Who started the #metoo movement?

  3. I like how you said that Morgan Freeman is threatening to sue for false accusations. Is this going to only be used in the spotlight sexual assault cases like the movie industry sexual assault charges or is this for the whole world?

  4. I like how you referenced prominent figures of this movement. What statements have the many celebrities supporting this movement been putting out?

  5. At a point, you reference rape culture and whether or not it is a myth. what is your personal view on that?


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