HR4HR- Gage Libby

A hashtag movement that made people be aware and raised millions of dollars. The HR4HR movement is a hashtag connected to the world series. Every world series T-mobile and the MLB come together for this movement to raise knowledge and money for Team Rubicon. Team Rubicon is a nonprofit that raises money for hurricane relief. Every time someone tweets HR4HR or a home run is hit, money is donated to them. The movement started in Late of October of 2017. It started because of recent hurricane around the world including ones in Huston and in Central America. The HR4HR hashtag takes place every year in later October during the MLB World Series. It is a revolutionary because the main goal is to create a revolution by making people more aware of this issue. But it’s also helping to solve it. There’s a need for this movement to make people more aware of what people need to get back to their normal lives.After millions of people lost their homes.

This movement was started to raise awareness and money for them. It started in the USA. “Following the devastation of hurricanes Maria, Harvey, and Irma last year, T-Mobile raised over $4 million.” In result, thousands of homes were rebuilt to help people get their life back. For example “In September, T-Mobile employees joined forces with Team Rubicon volunteers to rebuild damaged homes in Texas.” This social movement also helped to make people more aware of how much Team Rubicon needs, to help millions of people. “In Puerto Rico, Team Rubicon has rebuilt 308 roofs to date, benefitting 895 Puerto Rican residents.” This shows how important Team Rubicon is. But more help is still needed. “They’re now launching a home rebuilding operation in Florida, where they will rebuild 30 homes impacted by Hurricane Irma over the next year.” This shows how many people from all over the world need help. The social movement has helped them raise money for hurricane relief and helped millions of people. For example, “This past year, the Un-carrier and MLB fans raised over $4 million to support hurricane recovery efforts.” This shows all the difference the movement has made. “In the wake of Hurricane Florence, there is simply no better time than now to stand as one,” said John Legere, CEO of T-Mobile. This shows how much this is needed to help people.

This movement can be compared with movements happening during the reformation time period. One example is Martin Luther's. He made a change to help millions of people who needed money to spend on food and shelter. In result, both of these movements helped millions of people around the world survive. I think this is a very important movement that has helped millions of people around the world


  1. Great blog Gibby! I like how you connected something like the World Series to Martin Luther. It shows that everything is connected in one way or another. Did Team Rubicon start this movement or was it somebody else?

    1. The idea was created by T- Mobile. Acording to Adweek “ T-Mobile announced it will doubel it’s contributions.” This shows that T- Mobile is main component of this movemnet.


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