#BlueLivesMatter Bob Gerossie

Image result for blue lives matter Just imagine you are a cop in a pretty sketchy town, and you stumble upon a group of teens who appear to be dealing drugs, so you walk up to them and one pulls turns around suddenly and pulls something out of their waistband, you have moments to react and decide not to shoot in order to not offend people or start more protests; You get shot in the process, your family mourns, and people continue to O.D. from the drugs that kid was selling. This is a thing that too many police officers have faced and gotten punished for just because they protected themselves and tried to protect the community. It's like getting a teacher fired for telling you that 1+1=2, they're just doing their job.
The #BlueLivesMatter movement started when 2 officers in New York were shot and killed after a black man was shot the day before. This movement is still going on but will only be as strong as the #BlackLivesMatter movement because they are this movements "opposition" in general. This movement also is reformative because it is looking for everyone to be respectful and be mostly confident in what our police do. This is because with blind faith police would let the police corrupt as seen in countries like North Korea. The reason the#BlueLivesMatter movement is needed is we still need the police so there is not more gun violence and drugs in even more places.
Now that we know a little about the movement let's get into the details. So I think this movement started in America mostly because of all the hatred that has been directed at police officers and America in general in recent history. The hatred can be shown by the #BlackLivesMatter movement which wants no white police officers to have to do anything with the black community because they are all racist. But when you push so hard against one side the other team will either give up or what #BlueLivesMatter did, push back just as hard.
Image result for blue lives matter Some people might argue, hey #BlackLivesMatter just want to end racism, and police are against it, which is an amazing cause for #BlackLivesMatter but the way they have shown it doesn't support it. While yes, some police officers may be bad or racist, but that will sadly happen is every single profession. Black Lives Matter might have gone a little overboard though with their black only parties, doesn't that sound a little hypocritical. Worst of all, in 2016 a #BlackLivesMatter man by the name of Micah Xavier Johnson went on a sniping rampage killing 5 police officers and injuring nine others in the middle of a Black Lives Matter protest. But do not think everyone in there is like this because a lot of them are good, honest, reasonable people. Thankfully Black Lives Matter condemned this act of violence but the point still stands, the police are just doing their job and are getting punished for it. This is by law or in some cases like this, the people.
I think this movement is actually important to the global community because it could be a model for other countries. Really, imagine if crime rates went down drastically just because we all respected authorities. This could really change countries where the police have no control whatsoever and are not completely corrupt. What could really go wrong from respecting the people who have the job of protecting and serving us. I just don't think this movement has had as much of an impact as it could yet because the goal has not been achieved.
  In conclusion, the police really need to be respected. We need them to protect us from what is out there. Gun violence, drugs, and other dangerous stuff. Just because we may not like how they sometimes do things we still have have their backs because if something ever happens, they will be the first ones there to protect you and make sure that you are okay. If we just say whatever they do is bad then we will be treated much worse or even just ignored and left to fend for ourselves. Please, just respect the police and let them do their job.

Madhani, Aamer. “Black Lives Matter: Don't Blame Movement for Dallas Police Ambush.” USA Today, Gannett Satellite Information Network, 8 July 2016, www.usatoday.com/story/news/2016/07/08/black-lives-matter-dont-blame-movement-dallas-police-ambush/86866014/. 

Geller, Eric. “What Is #BlueLivesMatter, and What Do Its Supporters Want?” The Daily Dot, The Daily Dot, 11 Dec. 2015, www.dailydot.com/layer8/blue-lives-matter-twitter-hashtag/.

“Blue Lives Matter Act.” Congressman Ken Buck, 22 Mar. 2016, buck.house.gov/blue-lives-matter-act.

“Blue Lives Matter Sticker (3x5’).” Uncle Sam's Misguided Children, unclesamsmisguidedchildren.com/products/blue-lives-matter-sticker.


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