
Showing posts from November, 2018

#WeAreHere Katelyn Stokes

#WeAreHere Movement Intro to #WeAreHere     Have you ever wanted to make a difference in the world of charity, but you couldn’t choose which one to donate to? The hashtag movement that I am researching will certainly answer this question for you. My movement is the #WeAreHere movement. This movement was created to give power to ordinary people to get their voices heard, and make a difference in the world. The We Are Here campaign idea came from the iconic singer/songwriter Alicia Keys. Alicia Keys and her friends were hanging out one night, and one of them asked her “why are you here?” That might seem like an odd question to some, but to Alicia it really made her think. That may seem like a weird way to start a movement, but Alicia Keys was inspired and determined. The movement first came into light in 2014, and although it is less prominent in today’s culture, it is still making an impact in the lives of many today. The movement is so impactful because there are 12 different c


     #MeToo Too Good To Be True?      On October 15, 2017 a movement was started that would help many lives but could potentially ruin the lives of others. The movement I am talking about is the #MeToo movement. The idea of this movement is great and is a redemptive kind of social movement. I think it would be a redemptive movement because it is saving women from sexual assault and harassment. #MeToo was created to encourage women to speak up and talk about sexual assault and harassment. #MeToo went viral, when actress Alyssa Milano spread the word via social media, following the Harvey Weinstein accusations.      Although the #MeToo movement is a great idea for all those affected by sexual assault or harassment, it may have potential negative recourse for the falsely accused. As with all good movements, there has been some who choose to taint the incredible work that has taken place.  False accusations have started and if they continue, they will destroy #MeToo. We have already


            On January 1st, 2018, a letter was released, signed with the names of over 300 women in Hollywood. This letter being their pledge of unity - their letter of solidarity-  calling out some of the wrongs in their workplace.  They were calling for a halt in all tolerance of  discrimination, harassment or abuse. In their letter of solidarity, signed by large names in Hollywood like Meryl Streep, Melissa McCarthy, and Shonda Rhimes. " W e write on behalf of over 300 women who work in film, television, and theater "      This revolutionary movement is important because it making misconduct no longer tolerable in the workplace, and while the movement is by no means perfect, it is important because it is a start. Like many things, the first draft isn't perfect but it brings the starting point that is essential to go further and become better.      I think that this movement was started because it was becoming more and more of an issue.       There


#REALSTAGRAM MOVEMENT  By Abby Regis Hashtag activism movements are ways to spread movements are messages farther and faster than ever before, whether fun or serious. Hashtag activism movements are great for making a difference. The hashtag movement I will be telling you about is the #realstagram movement. It is a movement that celebrates true beauty and not hiding who you are under makeup or fake photos. It is an ongoing campaign started by former bachelorette Kaitlyn Bristowe. It started when she posted the same picture twice, the only difference being in one she wore makeup and in the other her face was clear of it.   It is a reformative movement because it is trying to reform the society we live in today to live in a different way, to be happy with ourselves. There is a need for this movement because a lot of photos today are subject to photo-shop or other things like that. Not to mention many people wear a lot of makeup or jewelry or other things that in some people’s opi

#WeAreHere Katelyn Stokes

#WeAreHere Movement Intro to #WeAreHere Have you ever wanted to make a difference in the world of charity, but you couldn’t choose which one to donate to? The hashtag movement that I am researching will certainly answer this question for you. My movement is the #WeAreHere movement. This movement was created to give power to ordinary people to get their voices heard and make a difference in the world. The We Are Here campaign idea came from the iconic singer/songwriter Alicia Keys. Alicia Keys and her friends were hanging out one night, and one of them asked her “why are you here?” That might seem like an odd question to some, but to Alicia it really made her think. That may seem like a weird way to start a movement, but Alicia Keys was inspired and determined. The movement first came into light in 2014, and although it is less prominent in today’s culture, it is still making an impact in the lives of many today. The movement is so impactful because there are 12 different chari

#SavethePolarBears -Aris Rose Stevens

Saving Polar Bears  Imagine your house just abruptly started to melt away and there was nothing you could do to stop it. This is what is happening to Polar Bears everywhere, everyday. #savethepolarbears: 1. Due to climate change, the icebergs are melting which are where polar bears hunt, rest and breed. With the ice melting polar bears have to travel farther for limited food. Many polar bears suffer from malnutrition or die from starvation, especially females and (with) cubs. Polar bears are also reproducing “ at a rate one-fifth of that seen just 20 years ago”. 2. Not only is climate change killing these polar bears but also hunters, regardless of the fact that its illegal. However there are people that monitor the bears 3. Arctic shippers (Industrial Shippers) risk spilling oil which isn’t only harmful for the bear but also the entire food chain. They also spill trash that pollute their environment and water. Associations everywhere such as WWF (World Wide Fund for Nat


           Imagine not being able to do something just because the way you look. Being discriminated over something you could not even choose. That's why #blacklivesmatter movement was stared. Its the fight to get the same rights as everyone else.  When the lady by the name of Alicia Garza when she was watching the trial of George Zimmerman.  He was a neighborhood watch volunteer who shot an unarmed 17 year old Trayvon Martin. The verdict was he was not charged with second degree murder or manslaughter. So she wrote a inspirational message on Facebook about her loving black people and her saying that black lives matter. #blacklivesmatter is a revolutionary social movement. It is getting black people the same rights and respect as everyone else. This movement is so important because it wants to give everyone equal chance to live their lives in America. Being shot just because of your color is not right. And in my opinion that is what started the movement. The unn